Sunday, March 18, 2007

Another great day in Venice

Took this one while I was checking the surf. The bike path. I love it.

Bathroom art - part three - Some restaurant in Eastown

Some place in Eastown - the trendy new place with turkish coffee. I love it. Not so much the bathroom art though. Why would I want to look at someone's old jeans while I'm peeing? Can't remember what the other one was.

As you can see these photos really bring the room together.

Bathroom art - part two - My dad's favorite restaurant

Courtesy of some local grill, my dad's favorite. "Please don't hog the bathroom." That's rich.

Bathroom art - Series one - Parent's house

So I've decided to start a series here of camera phone photography all about bathrooms. People put some weird stuff up in there. Why is it important to look at artwork while you're taking a dump. Well, thisi what my mom chose. The Serenity prayer. What could be better to ponder while processing lunch?


Why I hate dogs and dog owners suck

I'm not responsible for this sign but I wish I was. Dog owners should be banned, along with their dogs. They think they've gained special privileges so they can let their animals crap anywhere. And they consistently let their dogs do things they'd never let a kid do. How many times have you gone to someone's house just to have some smelly, slobbery dog jump all over you and get hair all over your clothes. And the ridiculous dog owner just smiles and says inane things like "Oh, he likes you" while the mutt buries its head in your crotch. Imagine if a kid did that to you. It would never be allowed, so why let a dog do it? I'm sick of it, let's refuse to take this crap any more.

A friend of mine has a pretty severe dog allergy and was on a plane the other day and started having an allergic reaction. She had asked before he got on the plane if dogs were going to be on it and was assured there wouldn't be. But when he asked about it on the plane the stewardesses found one, that wasn't in their paperwork. Some idiot dog owner thought it was okay to SNEAK THEIR DOG ON THE PLANE. Now, luckily they moved my friend and the dog before she had a severe allergic reaction but seriously, who brings dogs on planes? (they should have thrown the thing off) Where do these filthy mutts go to the bathroom? Imagine being stuck on a six hour flight next to some idiot's dog that just crapped in its designer dog carrier. I can already hear the dog owner's response. "Oh, he's so cute." And shame on the airlines for allowing dogs on planes.

Dogs suck... but not as much as their owners.